The ketosis diet is a special high-fat, low carbohydrate diet, which in recent years has been used extensively to treat childhood epilepsy in order to reduce the seizures suffered by epileptic children. The diet forces the human body to burn up fat instead of glucose, which is the main source of energy for the human body. It has recently been found that even teenage women can benefit from this kind of diet, with their high fat and low carbohydrate diets proving highly effective in helping them lose weight. There are many benefits associated with this kind of diet, and you will also know what is a diet with no carbs below.
One of the most common side effects of ketosis diet is dehydration. In rare cases, ketosis dieters may suffer from severe dehydration due to low levels of liquids in their bodies. This can be a symptom of a more serious underlying problem and therefore should not be ignored. Severe dehydration can occur due to low levels of salt in the body or due to increased blood pressure, both of which are common in people suffering from epilepsy. Symptoms of severe dehydration include vomiting, severe headache, nausea and loss of appetite. Discover about this diet by clicking this link:
Another common side effect of ketosis diets is long-term weight gain. A considerable amount of weight gain is caused by the blocking of the fat-burning process by the accumulation of fat tissues, as well as increasing muscle mass, which result in increased energy levels. This is one of the reasons why most people on ketogenic diets tend to stay overweight after stopping the diet. It tends to take about six months for weight loss to start to become noticeable, though most people will see a significant decrease in their weight after about three months.
The cause of this phenomenon is actually quite simple. During the ketosis diet, fat-burning enzymes are released in much higher concentrations than they normally would be in a normal carbohydrate diet. Due to the high concentration of these enzymes, ketone bodies are created and used as a fuel source. The ketone bodies do not have any carbohydrates in them; they are simply a chemical or biological fuel that can power the human body for a short time.
This short time of ketosis is also why it is often associated with severe headaches. Though there has been some research that indicates the correlation between the ketosis diet and headaches, there is no definitive evidence proving that claim. A dieter's diet can result in migraines and other headaches if the person on the diet is extremely overweight or underweight. If you think this might be the case for you, avoid the ketogenic diet in order to avoid the headaches that are associated with being underweight.
If you have suffered from dizziness, lightheadedness or weakness, you may have had symptoms of ketosis. It is not known exactly why the ketones cause the symptoms; it could be due to the fact that ketosis gives your body a chance to recuperate from the toxins it has encountered over a day or two while on the ketogenic diet. If you believe that you have had symptoms of ketosis, consult your doctor to find out whether or not your symptoms are related to the keto diet. If your doctor confirms that the symptoms you are experiencing are diet related, you should stop the diet and seek medical help if your dizziness or other symptoms persist after stopping the keto diet. Check out this post for more information on this topic: